Saturday, August 27, 2011

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

The U.S. neo-fascists?

!±8± The U.S. neo-fascists?

We? If we compare the U.S. with descriptors of fascist states.

1 They are very nationalistic. Often display flags, pennants and pins, as well as repetitive popular slogan. They often show pride in the military. Their suspicions of foreign convictions often borders xenophobia.

We tend to nationalism, and do not consider extreme. Our idea of ​​national exceptionalism dates all the way to the founders. Recently, Mr. Obamafor the criticism has come when a statement appeared to denigrate our unique location. It was quite exceptional is closely related to fascism, and I suppose that come from nature, all fascist states also assume the outstanding position as a natural. Although probably not on the scale of the original fascist states, we see that our flag (where I live, is not entirely uncommon to see the Confederate flag in front of houses). At the time of Operation Desert Storm, was unusualNOT see yellow ribbons everywhere to support our troops. Pins are common to politicians, but a sort of symbol on hats, shirts, or what ever so ubiquitous as to be little reason to notice. We do not want to exaggerate catchy slogans, but they are definitely a factor in our society, such as "America, Love It or Leave It", "Buy American", "Made in America by Americans," "You Can have My Gun When gently from my cold, dead fingers "," Support Our Troops ", and many others. ConsideringPride in the military already central to our culture, because certainly the Spanish-American War. It took a dip relatively mild during our misadventure in Vietnam, but most people blame the government puts a lot of "experts", but the support of the military is alive and well. Support for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is overwhelming, and our willingness to pay very high taxes to support all the military probably has passed all military spendingother great powers combined. Support for our military gets a strong YES. The demands for unity were probably more common a few decades (think America, Love It or Leave It), but we have so many different ethnic groups, now that the feeling of unity and expression is likely to be relatively low compared to Average fascist society. Unit seems to be particularly high among ethnic Mexicans in the Southwest and particularly in Southern California. Usually root for the teams and not Mexicanas the home team in international sports competition. I think we are missing when it comes to suspicion of foreigners or xenophobia. Joint products have traveled abroad more likely, as a product in this country and do not consider ourselves very strong in this dimension. Overall, I rate this dimension 8

2 They play down human rights, which they see as an obstacle to achieving the objectives of the ruling class. Through the skillful use of propaganda, secrecy, denial,misinform the public and accepts almost all human rights violations.

We lost a lot of human rights. In fact, the government deprived us of our rights more quickly and completely after 9 / 11 that we need to describe our government as it exists today quite fascist, and I do not see a return of 9 / 11 Company cards for everyone. As presidential candidate Barack Obama promised to repeal the Patriot Act, but extends it. Obviously its controller than drivenit promises. There is expectation that our government is determined to walk fanatically us to our second amendment gun rights Strip, through the UN if it could not progress through its own mechanisms. Not only ordinary citizens lose their rights under the Patriot Act, quickly accepted, knowing that a large majority of deputies and law enforcement personnel do not even know what subject to such acts. Unfortunately I think many of our "guaranteed" the constitutional rights are gone forever.Overall, I think that such "civil" rights such as racial equality before the law, retain the right to access to public places and schools, but the relationship between government and governed is definitely back Fascist planes. The government must also be physically intrusive irrational in their search for safety. The use of propaganda to justify the loss of rights has been minimal or nonexistent, but the government has full use of the secret, made the denial, andDisinformation. I reluctantly to our society in the present and the rate for the near future, as a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10

3 The main similarity between these regimes is the use of scapegoating as a means to divert people's attention from more important issues to blame for the failure and frustration in controlled directions channel. Target scapegoats, usually include communists, socialists, liberals, Jews, ethnic and racial minorities, traditionalnational enemies, members of other religions, lay people, homosexuals and "terrorists".

The Bush administration began with the words "Islamic terrorists", "Islamic fundamentalists", "Islamofascism" and similar expressions are almost the Twin Towers of the World hit the ground. The "War on Terrorism" is commonly understood as the terrorist "Islamic." The Obama administration is just as irrational to go to the opposite extreme, which removes all state agencies, the term "Islamic"from any connection to terrorism and the use of the term "war on terrorism" refrain. Probably by coincidence, rather than accurate information, Obama's actions were more properly the show, as recent data suggest that four Muslims were involved, two professional pilots at any level. Current theory suggests that the pilots were four Muslim converts to Islam in northern Europe, and could not resist surveillance tapes .. I would say are pretty cleanIn this regard, a sixth

4 The military and militarism is very enthusiastic. A disproportionate share of national resources is assigned to the military, even when domestic needs are acute. The army is an expression of nationalism and national targets will be largely increased, in order, used to intimidate other nations, and increase the power and prestige of the ruling class.

The United States has historically made the foundation of that description very well. GeneralPublic has always supported and admired the military, but it was not until President Eisenhower warned against the danger of the power of the "military-industrial complex" that most Americans have become truly aware of the close connection between "big business" military and large. In short, the public does not seem to make a clear distinction between military and nonmilitary, but requires that everyone do his / her duty, when called upon. The good soldier, but is not considered particularlyrevered. We have very high ranking on this issue, probably one-eighth

5 The sexism is much more widespread than the political elite and the national culture are dominated by men and women are considered second-class citizens. These companies are adamantly opposed to abortion and also homophobic. Draconian laws to receive strong support from the Orthodox religion, which cover the ruler of the abuses.

Historically, women were not seen as second class citizens, but as a different type of citizen. Almostevery change to promote resistance, but when women decided they wanted more involvement in the professions and in business and government that has been received. The role of women was changing before the Second World War, but with the advent of war and the loss of labor of men, women simply moved to where they were. The definition of the symbol was Rosie, but the women moved almost seamlessly wherever they were needed. Might be related to the symbolic example of their ability, which waswas necessary, the dependence of military aircraft crews of women from the United States to England ferry across the North Atlantic. After the war, many settled with their new families, but many remained in business and professions. Women appeared in Congress all power immediately after the war and moved into key positions, especially in "female" sectors such as health services, education and social services. We have had several female governors, a woman vice-presidential candidate who isvery popular with the public and a serious female presidential hopes for that lost support when a male "invisible forces" proved extremely popular with voters. Ironically, it has clearly been less successful than his opponent would be regulated. We had several women cabinet members and ambassadors. One of the largest newspapers has been led by a woman, and the fabulous success of e-Bay was founded by a woman. In a society like England thansuccess of the prime minister was a formidable woman. Women in general have reached the status of officer in the army. If we never had a very sexist society, this time is long gone. There are of course very low ranking on this factor, about 2

6 Among some of the regime, the mass media under strict direct control, and never deviate from the party line. Exercise of other arrangements to ensure the subtle power of the media orthodoxy. The leaders of the mass media are often politically with the powerElite. The result is usually successful in the sense of community with no excesses by the regime.

We have traditionally praised us on press freedom, but in reality, the government says, the influence they wanted with a "velvet hand." More assertive on the page are controlled by licensing and content guidelines, but was able to more effectively from the press "access" or the refusal to grant, to government media. Most media people is widely sharedThe political philosophy of governments and tended to mirror the beliefs of those in power. This is particularly true for the Democrats, at least since the Great Depression tend to be relatively more liberal. Many media were very comfortable with this and were more than willing to reflect the views favored by Washington. Some of them may be the annual meeting of Bilderberers, almost invisible group of multi-billionaires who rule in effect, alleconomically important areas of the world. They dominate the world economy and therefore the governments, so complete, that both parties during the elections again. In both cases the choice is their lackeys. The ownership of the mainstream media is so extensive that the mainstream media have willingly reflect the views of the government, and we accept the tendency of our media to make the events as if it were real news. This does not mean that the government always managed to control the media. There are andmost radio and television stations, magazines, newspapers and other media with the policy guidelines as opposed to Washington. Now seem to be tolerated by the government. When it was put into question the seriousness of the situation of elite messages, which would be taxed, quick, over-regulated, are limited in their mission areas, and there are problems with the renewal of licenses. As a result of our media more or less adhere to the opinion of the shadow government and its controller andSo I would give us high, 9, of this factor.

7 Inevitably, a strong national security apparatus under the direct control of the ruling class. , Usually oppression operates in secret, ignoring all constraints. "National security" justifies anything. Questioning his work is considered treason or even patriotic.

We are very high in relation to an obsession with national security, and other national security agencies. Until recently, however, thisAgencies have been just a little 'oppressive to the people. This relatively benign group of agencies now spread to almost aggressive, offensive, absolutely illegal operations of 9 / 11 disaster. U.S. citizens have been held in military jails without charge or the help of lawyers. Agents were "guaranteed general purpose" with almost everything that the organization would pursue delivered legalized. Almost everything that was out of the reach of governmentnow easily accessible. People were no fly lists without explanation and there is no obvious way to escape. In short, have now been almost perfectly with the description of fascism immediately above. We are currently evaluating ninth

8 Otherwise, act as the communist regime, the fascist regime and ally protofascist with the dominant religion, and usually as a militant defender of religion. Propaganda maintains the illusion that the ruling elite defenders of the faith and opponents of"Without God". Against the power elite is tantamount to an attack on religion.

There are a number of talk radio, independent television stations, websites and magazines, religious orientation, which constantly beat up various aspects of government, but the audience is so small that the government has ignored the rule. United States Government is not generally seen as a defender of the faith. I would say 4

9 Although the personal life of ordinary citizens is under control,Large companies usually work in relative freedom. The ruling elite saw the corporate structure as a way not only for military production, but also as an additional means of social control. The members of the corporate elite are often pampered by the political elite to ensure continued mutual interest, especially in the suppression of the "have-not" citizens.

In fact, it is almost useless, the "government" and say "big business", as the lines areeasily and regularly ignored. General approves the purchase of $ 400 toilet seats, then retire to become a member of the board at least one global society. Executives of large companies like Boeing Defense appointed the Secretary of Defense, etc. Incest is dominant, that the people involved must have a hard time deciding what to wear every morning set of clothes to have. Although not normally open to citizens under strict control, the government and largeCompanies are constantly present in almost all the information to the public on everything. Government departments have often wanted to force citizens to present ID cards, an official, he knows almost everything about you, implanted chips, so that tells you to be monitored 24 hours a day. On the other hand, large companies can operate in almost total freedom. In fact, the Obama administration rather busy saving companies from their bad management at the expensethe general public. I would give us a go in the direction 8 9 of 10 in this case.

10 Since organized labor as a center of power that the political hegemony of the ruling class and its allies in business challenge is to see, it is usually crushed or made powerless. The poor are viewed with suspicion and outright disdain.

Government troops have killed and maimed workers on strike as late as 1940 Until recently, special "futuristicly" special "police", with helmets, plastic, equippedVisors, the most critical parts of the body armor have labor disputes with the mace, tazers attacked, cattle prods, clubs and various other weapons. Under the Obama administration, however, organized labor has been almost totally free hand, and is virtually out of control. Some of the powers of the Obama administration seems willing to make them seem completely illegal. I consider this a 5 out of 10 because of the temporary nature of benevolence. This factor is definitely not with the currentGovernment industrial relations described in the U.S. today.

11 Intellectuals and the associated freedom of ideas and expression associated with them, have rejected these standards. Academic and intellectual freedom as subversive to national security and the patriotic ideal. The government controls the universities and politically unreliable faculty harassed or are fired. The unorthodox ideas or expressions of dissent are attacked heavily, are silenced, or crushed. Underthese regimes art and literature are required to serve national interests.

There is a considerable effort to suppress the government or to denigrate intellectuals. There is no clear government interest in the intellectual one side or the other. The picture changes considerably, but if we expand intellectual, to include the advanced search. While clever, the scientists are not usually considered as intellectual history, political science professors and authorsTo achieve the promotion of governments. In this case, the government can squander the funds provided by research topics (military prison) and access the state of the art. Because the focus is on historical measures of the government, I would give this a 7

12 Most of these regimes maintained Draconian systems of criminal justice with huge prison populations. The police are very popular, widespread power almost without control, and even to abuse the practice. Crime "Normal" and politics is oftenfused trumped-up charges and sometimes used against political opponents. The fear and hatred of criminals or "traitors" is used as an excuse for more police power.

Historically there has been a very strong culture of arrest and punishment of criminals by law enforcement agencies and the abuse was "frequent" but not "normal". The government appeared satisfied with the activities of national police officers. The FBI under Hoover approached or met this standard,particularly as regards the survey of communists and organized crime. The accusation has been very active during Prohibition, and it was (some argue that since the prosecution authorities will benefit) even in the war against drugs, but it is not necessary for motivation of the government motivated. The top level of all three branches seem content to let the police continue without motivation from above. Since the accused 9 / 11 was almost fanatical "terrorists"even though civilian experts say there is almost no chance of capturing the "professional terrorists" before they strike. The country is simply too porous, the police always be cautious of minorities, the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union to avoid, and the enormous amount of material of all kinds come into this country on a daily basis recognition of tools of destruction mass to stop. There is no need for more motivation than the highest levels of government. Congress hashistorically very willing to different types of activities back to the beginnings of the country, and has passed many laws on crime without victims or consensual crime, particularly drug use, and it is very difficult to criminalize and excessive punishments. For example, the cultivation of marijuana is almost always 10 years in prison, clearly excessive. Sex crimes against children earn very harsh punishment, perhaps death in some states. Our prisons are seriously overcrowded, in fact,to the point in some states, that the prisoners are housed in tents. It 'true that pre-9/11 police were seen in a favorable light, very popular series "policeman" TV. However, police do not get full power, even though they often acted in violation of the law in a relatively small, as their authority in the search for drugs during a routine traffic stop. The public is rarely a problem of such minor infractions. However, law enforcement, post 9 / 11 has become very very aggressive anddisrespectful to the public. For example, the arrest of a person accused of domestic violence often go to ridiculous lengths and rough charged to find and contain the person who would almost always be obedient to the police car without slavery narrow and difficult to manage. Safety standards are now very strict, and connects all the public prosecutors with the excessive zeal of hostile action and airport screeners, inadequate, etc. Except for the hardnessPenalties awarded by Congress, the most compulsive behavior occurs at lower levels, not as a result of pressure from the highest levels of government. Since the basic motivation does not seem the most senior levels of government are, I would like this is a strong seven, but given the lack of control over the police, I have to go to 8.

13 The frequently in business circles and close to the ruling elite of their position to enrich themselves. This corruption worked both ways: the powerElite receive financial gifts and property from the economic elite, which in turn get the benefit of government favoritism. The members of the ruling elite are in a position of great wealth from other sources as well as obtained by stealing national resources. With national security under control and muzzled the media, corruption is mostly informal and not well understood by the general population.

This certainly applies to our government. Indirect evidence is the fact thatElection campaigns often provide millions for a particular person, choose to pay an official working more than $ 150,000. Obviously, such an investment is based on the expectation that the political path to huge funds for donors made once in office. Observers have for decades provided the "revolving door" between the Pentagon and other government institutions and large companies, but there is no attempt to stop it, because those who would act for themselves the benefits expected from the systemin the future. The American practice is slightly different from the description above, the public is aware of the practice, but have no way to fix the system, because people are involved in the system. Improper actions are sometimes performed in the middle of public opinion. In a final experiment, a large and unprecedented health care bill passed, the president of the United States has major deals with corrupt legislators to run his program. For example, a senator has publicly promised 100Millions of dollars for a hospital in return for his vote, and appointed the brother of a holdout from the Federal bench. The public knows that corruption is widespread, but usually occurs from the public to see. Many people on the run for public office "promises to clean things up." Much, if not most of these promises were sincere. But the newly-elected politicians run shot against the system that controls its members in a variety of ways. These include office andclerical support, appointment committees (some are always in the spotlight, some of the public never heard), postage allowance, and so on, until the newcomer finds its place. There is no "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" is no more. Toe the mark, or serve only one term. At first I gave this a 9, but with the arrival of Obamacide on stage, this time the prices now, finally, a strong 10

Elections in the form of plebiscites or 14.Bogus public opinion polls aretogether. When the election is conducted effectively, the power elite always get the desired result. The most common methods are to destroy the control of election machinery, intimidating and disenfranchising opposition voters, or disallowing legal votes, and, as a last resort, is committed to justice, the power elite.

Electoral fraud, and everyone knows exists, but is more common, or rather rough in some parts of the country. For example, fraud in Chicagoknown, and accusations of fraud appear more frequently in the south of the country as a whole, but the practice undoubtedly occurs at the national level. In the last elections, has threatened the uniformed members of the New Black Panthers potential white voters and discourage some people from voting at all. The Department of Justice has established the guilt of those involved in the case was wrapped up except for a couple of final action, but our president openly blocked any punishment. The votes are destroyedor fails for one reason or another fairly regularly. Including the 2000 election, a party has tried to ban a postal vote of the members of the armed forces. In the same election votes were nearly identical for the candidates, but it seems slightly in favor of Democrats. The Republicans, whose brother, Governor of the State, managed to get the dispute before the state attorney general, who decided in favor of Republicans. It was just a Republican.If I remember correctly, the Constitution stipulates that the House of Representatives is how to resolve disputed elections, but it is in liquidation, but the Supreme Court. And 'Republican declared the winner. Because the fraudulent elections, regularly come to this country, I will be a factor in ninth

So how can we evaluate in general? The calculator provides seventh What does this tell us? Mathematically, it would give a 7, we have just above average to fascism. But this is somewhat 'misleading, because wetend to be significantly higher or lower, not "between" mean as 7. Maintain self-knowledge in terms of trends, rather than a snapshot seems to be very useful for us, so my opinion on the trend, and assuming the geopolitical aspects of their current trajectory, I would say that we have developed in a typical fascist state . Before Obama actually came into office, I would expect that we have a departure from a trend toward fascism, but in reality, Obama, Bush has maintained the trendmore towards fascism. The only difference is the servile attitude of Obama toward the exceptional Big unionism. Obama's more moderate government is a trend towards more fascism, but they sure do not see this as the trend of development.

The real purpose of the disaster at the World Trade Center was, so that the global elite to do pretty much gone with the Constitution, they are managed. The Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, and numerous other restrictions on us is always the factConstitution. Obama and Clinton's determination to abolish the possession of firearms by the United Nations, it is absolutely necessary to defeat the rebellion, when recognized in the general population, that the 9 / 11 terrorists was not a project that sick in the caves dream in Afghanistan, but a coup government developed a global elite. The only Islamic terrorists involved in the four professional pilots, planes into the towers were toppled. He did not look like terrorists, becausetrains did not have the Middle East, because it turns north-European, as all had been seen on the plains. The planes were just a tragedy for the production of add, have done a lot of fire and smoke, had nothing to do with the collapse.

And speaking of the collapse of the terrorists, from all possible damage, the United States and the morale of Americans bother to rig the explosions that the towers would fall into their footsteps, that almost no sideDamage? Collateral damage would be a boon for the real terrorists were. So who are the real terrorists? According to my information that could only be four or five world-wide organizations that technically the collapse, as it came. One of them is Israel. Did you know? Who knows? What possible reason would they do such a thing to a friend? First, at the level of governments around the world, there are no real allies, only temporarily useful "packages". Think of the "friends"have left us recently. Turkey. Brazil. Iran (so its been a while '.) If I had to check out the rest. Think of the enemy, that "friends". England. Mexico. Spain. Germany. Japan. Russia? Italy.

We are back to why Israel has developed May 9 / 11. Without the support of the United States to ignore the atrocities and gross, Israel would be history. It is not about Israel's nuclear weapons that hold the Islamic world at bay. For Muslims, death is fighting Israel WELL. The power ofthe United States keeps things under control. But there is growing evidence that some people wonder why we give Israel billions every year, while Obama is leading us into bankruptcy. Others are reading more and more articles on the relationship between Israel and Islam. Apparently, the Palestinians have several proposals which seemed reasonable enough, but something always stopped by Israel. Horror of horrors, Americans are increasingly demanding, alwaysthis ongoing bloodshed is going to last. More Americans are asking: "Why are Islamic countries of our enemies seem OK to me." In other words, the theory, the Israelis have heard American units slowly went away with them. But because America / support in such a fright? I already have. Eighty people, more or less, such as the Bilderberg Group, which actually govern the world in large part by money moving here and there, you know, he was tired of waiting for us to collapsefrom our own stupidity and decided to move things forward towards a world government. Think that sounds crazy? So I. Then I started to read and read, and showed some videos in my classes that define how people like Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan and perform other thigs. This is the hardest part. Their goal, their corporate governance is held every traditional governments and, therefore, rule the world. Note: I call it the corporate governance, instead of Big Businesssimply because the business is not sufficient to describe this money to empires. It would be like saying that a hang glider and a Boeing 757 aircraft are both. It would be true, but meaningless. So they see their corporate governance around the world of regular government, through their states, provinces, or otherwise. The states that have to do with people! You do not really want to officially under the thumb of the world's richest (and insane) men?

What has to do with fascism? Themeans that they are not concerned with constitutional rights, all this nonsense. So, in my opinion a little 'was brought up 9 / 11 the first step, and our government has had to be him.

The U.S. neo-fascists?

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

In tests using a scientific calculator for math

!±8± In tests using a scientific calculator for math

With exams approaching this is a short article with reminders and advice for all is to take a math test and need a scientific calculator are calculator.The problems common to use:

- Computer Setup in the correct mode

- Not able to find the calculator manual!

- Remember, switch to calculator mode

- Rounding and inaccurate answers

Why a scientific calculator?

Scientific calculators all use the sameIn order to perform mathematical operations. This order is not necessarily the same as just reading a calculation from left to right. The rules for performing mathematical calculations specify the priority and so the order in which a calculation should be done - scientific calculators follow the same order. This order is sometimes abbreviated by terms such as BIDMAS BODMAS and remind students to do calculations.

1. Brackets (all calculations in parenthesesbe done first)

2. Operations (eg squaring, cubing, square rooting, sin, cos, tan)

3. Division and multiplication

Place 4. Addition and subtraction

Aware of this order is to use a scientific calculator properly requested. This order must always be in all the mathematical calculations that are used with the aid of a calculator or not.

Check Calculator

There are two types of scientific calculator, algebraic types of the latest scientificCalculator. Algebraic scientific calculator allows users to type in calculations in the order they were written down. Older scientific calculators need users to press the mathematical operation after them in series have.

To find, for example, press the square root of nine (with an answer of three): [Button]

Algebraic scientific calculator: [square root] [9] [=]

Not algebraic scientific calculator: [9] [square root][=]

Both types of scientific calculator are fine for exams, but make sure you know how to use their own type.

If you are unsure if you have a scientific calculator or not, you have to give:

[4] [+] [3] [x] [2] [=]

If you get an answer of 14, then you have a left to right non-scientific calculator.

If you get an answer of 10, then you have a scientific calculator like the multiplication work.

Lost Calculator Manuals

ComputerManuals tend to get lost very easily or you can never find as a test is imminent. A frequent request is what you can do if you lost the manual for your calculator? If it is a relatively new model, then you can download a copy of the manufacturer's website. If there is an old Sharp or old Casio calculator manual then you can still find these via the Internet. Even with search engines, they can take to find the manuals for some time - the following link has information on new and oldCalculator Manuals Casio, Sharp, Hewlett-Packard and Texas Instruments: here.

Calculator mode

Now that you have your calculator manual you can use your computer to set the correct settings. The default settings are usually:


(Use the MODE button - choose normal not stat) NOT: SD or REG


(Use the MODE or DRG button) NOT: RAD or GRAD


(Use MODE or SETUP and arrow keys) NOT: FIX, SCI,ENG

Many calculators have a reset button on the back, which can be pressed with a pen or paper clip if you want the original factory settings.

The most common mistake is to leave the computer in a previous mode and forgetting to change back! (We all did, just try to avoid the test!)

Common Mistakes Calculator

(A) by pressing the DRG by mistake and not doing trigonometry questions in DEGREES mode. (If you do advanced workThen change the password mode graduates!).

(B) Borrowing an unfamiliar calculator or a new calculator too close to the test and not with the keys and how to change the mode.

(C) to record and forgot to check the work. Each test with a computer should have a warning on it! It is important to note that the calculations are that you get method marks. You should also try to check all the calculations by pressing the wrong buttonButton.

(D) laps before the end of a calculation. Store in calculations the conservation and use of all digits in the calculations. If you use a rounded value too early, then you lose accuracy.

(E) Remember, brackets on the calculations of distribution (for example, when divided by all the lower part of the group) to be used.

Calculators many are now very powerful and have amazing computational power. Some of the programmable calculators are mini computers. Even if allCalculate with 100% accuracy every time, unfortunately they are only as good and as accurate as their operator!

It 'is often the case that the best candidates performance without a computer, as it is very easy to make simple mistakes, you is one thing. If you can do, is certainly useful to get an idea about the size of the response, so that you can see if an answer makes sense or not. There is also a good idea to repeat all calculations only when you press a button mistakes.

In tests using a scientific calculator for math

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